Onion Confit Burger
Preparation time: 10-15 minutes
For 4 people :
Drain the pickles well and cut them lengthwise.
Wash the lettuce and drain well.
Peel the garlic, cut it and incorporate it into the minced meat. Salt the preparation and form 4 minced steaks.
Grill the bacon in a skillet without fat for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from fire.
Add oil to the pan and brown the steaks for about 5 minutes on each side. Gently press them using a hamburger press or a small saucepan.
Meanwhile, warm the buns in the toaster or in the oven.
Cut them in half. Arrange a lettuce leaf and a few pickles on each bottom half.
Spread with onion confit, put the ground beef on top, then 2 slices of bacon and close the burger.
Serve immediately.
Treat yourself !